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If you do not find the material you are looking for, do not hesitate to contact us. Our warehouse is continuously supplied and we can look for special alloys for any need. Do you already have the metal you need in your warehouse? Contact us to find out if it'is possible to work it.

Alloy Composition Format 0,05 0,10 0,15 0,20 0,25 0,30 0,40 0,50 0,60 0,70 0,80 1,00 1,20 1,50 2,00 3,00 4,00
Aluminium 99% AL99 Plate*
Anticorodal AlMgSi1 Plate*
Ergal AlZn5,5MgCu Plate*  
Brass 63 CuZn37 Coil 330
Brass 63 CuZn37 Plate*
  * *
Brass 82 Cu82Zn18 Drops ✔ casting 
Copper Cu99 Coil 330                      
Bronze phosph. CuSn6 Coil 300
Bronze 10 CuSn10 Drops ✔ casting 
Nickel Silver 10 CuNi10 Drops ✔ casting 
Nickel Silver 12 CuNi12 Drops ✔ casting 
Nickel Silver 15 CuNi15 Drops ✔ casting 
Nickel Silver 18 CuNi18Zn20 Coil 300 ✔  ✔  ✔  ✔  ✔ 
Copper Beryllium Cu98 Be2 Coil 200
Copper Beryllium Cu98 Be2 Drops ✔ casting
AISI 301 EN1.4310 Cr8Ni8 Coil 300 ✔  ✔  ✔  ✔  ✔      ✔ 
AISI 304 EN1.4301 Cr18Ni10 Plate*
✔  ✔  ✔  ✔* ✔* ✔*
AISI316 EN1.4401 Cr18Ni14Mo3 Coil 300
AISI316 EN1.4401 Cr18Ni14Mo3 Plate*
AISI430 EN1.4016 Cr17 Plate*
✔* ✔* ✔*
Sandvick 7C27 Coil 300
Nickel Ni99 100x300
Nickel+color Ni99 100x300

Sizes  =  all in mm

Plate  =  format 250, 330 and 500 mm per the requested length (max 800 mm)
Coil    =  indicated sizes (coil width) per the requested length (max 800 mm)
✔*      =  laser cut
