Desen pentru fotogravura de Exella Europe Team 1 mai 2023 0 6224 Proiectele de fotogravura trebuie sa fie intotdeauna vectoriale, folosind programe tehnice precum Autocad sau Rhinoceros pentru a obtine fisiere dwg, dxf sau 3dm, sau grafice precum CorelDraw si Illus... autocad coreldraw fotoincisione fototranciatura photoetching progettazione rhinoceros tolleranze Read more
Tratamente termice cu cupru beriliu de Exella Europe Team 29 apr. 2023 0 5342 Beryllium copper alloys, often referred to as beryllium-copper or BeCu, are widely used in various industries due to their unique combination of strength, electrical conductivity, and corrosion resist... beryllium copper cube2 metal casting metal components photoetching thermal treatments Read more