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The following general conditions of sale are an integral part of all our contracts for the supply of materials, even when orders are taken by telephone, verbally, by fax, e-mail or via the internet and fully replace different terms and conditions.

I. Exella Europe

Exella Europe srl produces and sells semi-manufactured metal parts (obtained by chemical photo-etching, precision casting, laser cutting, electroforming and other techniques) in copper, iron, aluminum and steel alloys, produced according to customer's drawings, samples or other indications.

The company has its main and tax office in Romania, Piata 1 Mai 1-2, 400058 Cluj Napoca, tax code and VAT code no. RO21936165, registered with the Cluj Napoca Chamber of Commerce under J12 / 2697/07.

Representative offices and production units located in other countries do not represent the company's tax office.

II. Customers

Exella Europe srl produces and markets Exella branded products addressing exclusively to professional customers.

The customer assures that the purchase of Exella products takes place exclusively for professional purposes, that is to say relating to his / her work activity. The relationship between Exella Europe and customers will therefore not be governed by consumer protection regulations.

III. Prices

The prices of the products indicated in the price lists, offers and other Exella publications are expressed in Euro (€), do not include VAT, and are generally intended per piece or plate, where no other information appears. The plates can contain multiple single pieces or sets of pieces.

Exella Europe srl reserves the right to change the characteristics and prices of products, systems and shipping methods without prior notice.

IV. Requests for quotations

Any requests for quotations do not in any case represent an "executive order of sale". Following these requests, the company will act exclusively in order to provide the information object of the requests.

V. Purchase proposals

Customers already in possession of one or more article codes will be able to send purchase proposals. These proposals do not in any way represent a purchase contract, as they are simple proposals whose completion is subject to the compliant acceptance of Exella Europe srl. The company reserves the right not to accept orders of less than 100 Euros, excluding VAT and shipping.

VI. Orders

Orders are considered stipulated and accepted only in the following cases:

1. when Exella receives the offer confirmed by the Customer for acceptance, within 5 days of issue, which will be deemed to have been accepted in its entirety in this way.

2. when the Customer receives the order confirmation, which in the absence of communications within the next 24 hours will be deemed approved and accepted in its entirety.

The validity of the order is however conditional on the fulfillment by the Customer of the payment conditions indicated on the offer or on the order confirmation.

Confirmed orders will go into production immediately and can no longer be canceled.

The ordered material will be produced according to the general specifications and tolerances, published on the website www.exella.com, unless specifically agreed.

The drawings and projects, also called "digital artwork process", created for the production of the items, will not be delivered or returned.

VII. Delivery time

The indicative delivery terms are communicated on the offer or on the order confirmation. Exella Europe srl reserves the right to an appropriate extension of the delivery deadline, if causes of force majeure or circumstances not attributable to it delay the timely delivery of the goods or in the event that the Customer is late in paying, even for previous supplies. A delay in delivery does not authorize the customer to reject the order or request compensation for damages.

VIII. Invoices

The invoice will be sent together with the shipment of the products. It is possible to request a copy which will be sent in digital format by e-mail.
Exella Europe srl is not subject to the Italian legislation for electronic invoicing.

IX. Payments

All payments, unless otherwise agreed and approved in writing by Exella Europe srl, must be made in advance at the time of the order. In any case, Exella Europe srl reserves the right to revoke the payment conditions granted to the Customer at any time.

In all cases in which the Customer exceeds the commercial credit line possibly granted by Exella Europe srl, Exella reserves the unquestionable right to suspend the fulfillment of all orders that exceed the value of the credit granted.

Payment by the Customer will be made using the methods indicated in the offer or on the order confirmation, using the following tools:

- Payment by bank transfer

- Payment by credit card

- Payment by Paypal

In case of non-payment after the deadline, forced recovery of the credit will be taken, also through external companies, with the consequent increase in the costs to be charger to the Customer.

X. Shipping

The goods are delivered ex-headquarters Exella Europa srl ​​(Cluj Napoca, Romania). Unless otherwise agreed, the shipment takes place carriage paid with a charge on the invoice for transport costs.

The material travels at the customer's own risk, even if shipped carriage paid. The customer is required to examine the integrity, weight and number of packages before accepting the goods. Any disputes must be reported directly to the shipper.

XI. Complaints

The customer is always and in any case required to carry out an accurate incoming check of the products received, immediately after delivery.

Any complaints or disputes relating to the products supplied must be sent to the Exella Europe srl headquarters or to the branch offices by letter, fax or e-mail within ten days from the date of receipt of the goods. Products recognized as faulty at origin must be returned to the factory properly packaged by the customer, and will be replaced with as many of the same type. If replacement is not possible for technical reasons, a credit note will be issued to cover the price paid by the customer for the defective products.

Under no circumstances can Exella Europe srl be held responsible for the consequences due to special, consequential, indirect or similar damages, including loss of profits. In no case the liability of Exella Europe srl may exceed the price paid by the customer for the product.

XII. Jurisdiction and competent court

For anything not expressly provided for in these general conditions, the rules of the laws in force apply. Any dispute relating to the application, execution, interpretation and violation of the purchase contracts stipulated is submitted to the Romanian jurisdiction. For any dispute, the court of Cluj-Napoca (Romania) will be competent.

XIII. Projects confidentiality

The personal data, as well as the drawings, the preliminary projects, the originals, the executives and in any case all the materials used for the execution of the assignment will be used only for the strictly necessary purposes, in compliance with the law and will not be in any way communicated to third parties, unless with the prior written authorization of the interested party.

XIV. Use of the site and cookies, confidentiality and data processing

Refer to the specific documentation published on www.exella.com, or make an express request to our customer service:

(Last update: February 19, 2021)